Show me your garden and I’ll tell you who you are , said Alfred Austin, British poet and great lover of nature. And how to blame him? A well-kept and luxuriant garden is a pleasure for the eyes but also for the well-being of the mind.

If you’re lucky enough to own a garden, you probably know how much work it takes to keep a green space healthy and tidy. It is a care job that requires daily commitment but also different technical knowledge, from botany to maintenance of the soil and gardening tools.


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If you are reading this article it is probably because you are aware that you do not have enough time, energy or knowledge to dedicate yourself to the care of your green space. And you may be wondering if it is worth turning to someone who is experienced in garden maintenance. We tell you right away: it’s a wise choice! Hiring a gardening service will allow you to enjoy the best part of your garden and avoid all the hassle.

In this article we will explain how to find a garden maintenance service, what tasks are usually provided for and how much it costs.

What is a professional gardening service?

The first thing to understand when looking for a home gardening service is your goal. Depending on the type of garden you have, you may need a simple maintenance service for the existing lawn or vegetation, or a more comprehensive service that includes growing new plants and flowers, horticulture, fence repair and hedge maintenance. .

If your garden isn’t complete but is still in the planning stage, you may need a landscaping and landscaping service. It is a service that provides technical, creative and design skills different from gardening, so it is important to distinguish them.

These are usually the most common tasks included in private gardening services :

  • Care of lawns (cutting, irrigation, herbicide, rooting, etc.);
  • Care of plants and flowers (irrigation , pruning, fertilizing, cutting, etc.);
  • Care of hedges (soil cleaning, irrigation, mulching, pruning, seasonal cuts, etc.);
  • Disinfestation of soil and plants;
  • Composition of flowerbeds flowering.
  • Growing new plants and vegetables;
  • Maintenance of garden tools;
  • Maintenance of furniture and fences.
  • The type of turf;
  • The plants that make up the hedges;
  • The presence or absence of deciduous trees;
  • The orientation of the garden and its exposure to the sun;
  • … and many others.

How much does the maintenance of the garden by a professional gardener cost?

Garden maintenance costs vary based on many factors, which is why calculating a unique price is not easy.

However, we will give you some general guidelines that can help you get a more precise idea of ​​the elements to consider when requesting a garden maintenance quote.

The cost of professional gardening depends above all on these elements:

  • The type of garden;
  • The size of the garden;
  • The duration of the intervention;
  • The experience of the professional you choose;
  • The equipment needed to carry out the surgery.

As far as costs are concerned, the average hourly price of a basic gardening intervention is around 10-15 euros .

The maintenance of the hedges is around the same price range, while the care of the flower beds can cost up to 19 euros per hour.

The pruning of plants is one of the most expensive interventions. The price varies according to the height of the plant, and can range from from 30 to 60 euros for plants up to 4 meters, to reach 100-130 euros for plants up to 12 meters.

To find out the exact cost of a garden maintenance service by a professional, take a look at the services offered on Jopla. Sign up for free to Jopla FOR YOU and find in a few clicks the perfect person to care for the green of your home!

Have a nice job!